

Allegro (Allegro)


After a long absence, famous pianist Zetterstrøm returns from New York to his native Copenhagen on the occasion of a gala concert. A perfectionist by nature, he has one major personal flaw; he has lost the memory of his past. But when he is contacted by a messenger from a mysterious off-limits “zone” in the middle of the city, he connects with what lies behind him, what made him run away: his love for the captivating Andrea. He hopes for the past to come back to him but the “zone” does not sell dreams... it leads him to remembrance of things past.
“The story narrated by Christoffer Boe can be told in a variety of ways: as a journey into memory, as a rite of initiation, or as an educational story. Stalker and Wild Strawberries, Carl Theodor Dreyer and Tonino Guerra, come to mind. Yet in the end, what stays with viewers most is the unmistakable style of a filmmaker who seems destined to metamorphose the rules of storytelling and expressive form. If contemporary Nordic cinema, and in particular Danish cinema, constitutes the latest in European culture, then this young director seems capable of establishing some radical changes, suggesting a new way of looking at the world and mankind.”
                                                                             Giorgio Gosetti

“Robert” ’05 (Danish “Oscar”) for best cinematography

Year: 2005
Duration: 90 minutes
Christoffer Boe
Christoffer Boe and Mikael Wulff
Tine Grew Pfeiffer
Manuel Alberto Claro
Ulrich Thomsen, Helena Christensen, Henning Moritzen, Svetoslav Korolev, Niels Skousen
Thomas Knak