
Odeon Cinema


Cinema "Odeon"
1 P. Evtimii Str.
ticket-office tel: (02) 989-24-69

Cinema history

The Bulgarian Film Archive social activity is hosted by Film Archive Cinema. It opened on 06.02.1961 in the hall of the Arts and Culture Club at 108 "Rakovski" st. After a long break in 1969 the Film Archive rented Vlaikova Cinema hall, intending to convert it into specialized archival cinema. It even renamed it "Aizenstein", although not officially. Soon the screenings in this hall were ceased, only to be continued at the newly opened Vitosha cinema. One year later the Film Archive got its own hall – the well known in Sofia Druzhba cinema, in 1991 renamed Odeon. This cinema is not like the other Sofia cinemas: advertising and information boards let the audience choose amongst a variety of titles, organized in cycles.
The cinema arranges special weeks, foreign film reviews, celebrations of local and intenational artists.
The weekly program of Odeon Cinema is printed on separate bill, and is also published in the biggest newspapers and internet periodicals.

Accents today

  • 28-03
  • 28-03
  • 28-03

Today program

  • 13:00
  • 15:00
  • 17:00
  • 19:00